[46 / 4 / ?]
I know I might sound crazy, but hear me out: -We can't know the toucan's colors for sure because the shirt it appears on is 2-tone only, but we can guess that the light areas are light and the dark areas are dark on the real thing. -Both have light fronts. Toucan's light color appears to go from around its eyes to its feet, while Pikipek's goes from its eyes to it's chest. Expanding colors in Pokemon is not uncommon as they evolve (sfor example, the white on Popplio-Brionne-Popplio3). -Both have plain, dark colored outer wings. -Both have a dark area on the end of their beak. -In the real world, woodpeckers and toucans are (distantly) related. Both are classified under the order of Piciformes, though this does include other families such as jacamars, puffbirds, barbets, and honeyguides. -Pikipek is said to drill into trees to store food, like real-life woodpeckers do. Toucans, while they apparently do not burrow into trees, apparently do use holes dug by other species, including woodpeckers, to nest/store food, too. -Regional birds have (especially recently) altered species as they evolve. Pidove to Unfezant and Fletchling to Talonflame, for example. I think, taken altogether, there is a decent possibility that they are related. Even if not directly by evolution, though that is what I think, at least as some sort of counter-part.
>>29028459 >Woodpecker >Toucan Pick one
>>29028459 Nah, your theory is shit.
But just because, if it is true, it would be something like Taillow to Wingul
>>29028502 >Remora >Octopus Pick one
It might just be a toucan shirt
>>29028502 But the species are fairly closely related, though.
>>29028502 >Flying fish >Octopus Pick one
>>29028528 >fairly closely related they're in the same Order anon. It's like saying Dogs and Lions are "fairly closely related"
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>>29028564 More closely related than pigeons and pheasants, though.
Riddler lists the Toucan far away from Pikipek's evos. They're as related as Hoothoot and Skarmory.
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>>29028564 Actually same Suborder. It's like saying that dogs and foxes are fairly closely related, which they are. It's not impossible and Pokémon has never cared about biological accuracy to boot
>>29028606 He also has the Ultra Beasts mixed in between Pokemon.
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>>29028506 Except a 3 stage line not a 2 stage so there could be a bridge in between to make it less jarring
>>29028522 >gun >cannon Nope. Totally makes sense, assumptionfag.
>>29028721 The leaker who revealed Ultra Beasts prior to their official reveal called them Hyperspace Pokemon.
Two leakers with inside info > Gamefreak hyping up nonsense (like Kyurem forms and M-Mewtwo being totally new Pokemon)
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>>29028537 >flying fish Do you not know about remoras, anon?
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>>29029618 >Pokemon are only based on one thing >Implying a little octopus couldn't have beenough designed to resemble a gun. Anonymous
>>29029691 Yes, leakers know more than Game Freak. Sure.
>>29030671 I'm saying the leakers are honest about the information, whereas GF is vague and hypes things up often. Ultra Beasts are just fancy Pokemon.
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Hey, I've been lurking and I've finally been baited in to giving you a (You). If you're proud of that, congrats. Anyway, no one else has said it yet so I feel the need to tell you you have some pretty serious autism. And I don't mean in the meme/insult kind of way, I'm being literal and serious. Your autism is getting in the way of you not being retarded. You're sperging over these random specific details that you decided to cling to (tip of beak being dark-ish) and now no amount of logic or argument will make you back down. Then to top it all off, you pretended to have some sort of inside information, as if this was some roleplay forum. You need to work on your autism before you come back to post. Seriously. It'll help your quality of life, and it'll help me stop getting so fucking triggered when I see a retard spouting off online. Anyway, thanks. Have a good one!
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>>29030847 Did the Riddler actually say that or did he just imply that by mixing them?
>>29028524 Why would they include a random image of a real life animal on a shirt?
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The autism in the OP is nauseating.
Maybe it has a split evo. Midnight toucan Midday stork (like in one of the new Generations episodes)
>>29032189 Maybe with the introduction of Ultra Beasts, they're also going to acknowledge that there are non-pokemon creatures in the world, like regular animals and UBs.
>>29028606 The thing is that chinky motherfucker only knew about the Toucan when this was pointed out here on /vp/. He's a fraud. A scammer. A liar. His riddles are so vague that one can interpret it to whatever the hell they want them to mean. He's been correct a few times but most of the time, his riddles are bs.
>>29034139 Real-world animals were already shown in the Pokemon world before. They've been heavily featured in the core series.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Animals_in_the_Pok%C3%A9mon_world Anonymous
>>29028459 I really wish the Toucan would be a cross-gen evo to Chatot, but it'll probably just be an Alomomola situation again.
>>29034156 Idk if they've ever had visual representation in the games though. I know there was a bird on the old weepinbell tcg card, but I can't think of any other pokemon visual media with animals in it.
It'd be interesting to see a pokemon eat a random regular fish or bug or something, or to see a miltank on screen with a regular cow.
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>>29034147 Dude, I don't think you understand how riddler works.
From day 1 he has been very transparent about everything. He isn't going to spoil everything because that's kinda bullshit and ruins the game, he's just going to hit at a few things at a time, and put up new things as old things get revealed. If something gets revealed that he hasn't hinted at, he still updates his stuff to tell us more about it and to keep all the information for gen 7 in one neat place.
So when we discovered the toucan, he put in in his leakdex to let us know a bit more about it, specifically about it being a standalone not an evo.
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>>29034368 yeah man I need a better PC
Those mime jrs fuck my shit up when the lag makes it hard to respond in time
>>29034229 But parrots aren't toucans? Completely different situation.
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Wow it's the same autismo from yesterday. Impressive.
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>>29028721 Because the Ultra Beasts are obviously Pokémon.
>>29034940 I think this thread has already established that Pokémon evolutions aren't limited to the same animals.
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>>29035619 And yet that is still the most common argument against OP other than the Riddler.
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literally worse than Richard
>>29034131 What is it with people assuming everything with an evo they don't like has a split evo?
>>29038124 retards of /vp/
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>>29038148 Pretty much. Summer never ended this year.
And OP might be wrong, but it's funny watching people get angry at him for it.
>>29038124 Pretty sure that anon was mocking splitfags
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>>29038327 It's hard to tell any more.
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>>29034131 No, retard. No.