I always maintain a Psychic/Dark/Fighting core to my teams with either Psychic or Dark taking a supporting role while the other one is focused on offense.
For Psychic-types (my favorite type) I typically use Gardevoir, either Slowpoke evo, Cresselia, Mr. Mime and Xatu.
For Dark-types I often use Sableye, Krookodile, Crawdaunt and Zoroark.
For Fighting-types I usually stick to either Hitmontop or Hitmonlee.
For the other slots in the roster I just handpick Pokemon from my favorites, although I usually take a Poison-type with me seeing as I'm a big fan of their designs and their ability to remove the dreaded Toxic Spikes is uncanny.
Despite my obsession with having no overlapping types, I sometimes like to use a mono-psychic team.