>>29063362Best effort on something I've never given much thought:
- Giratina represents afterlife/post death/celestial existence after life
- Mew is the genetic baseline of all pokemon, that's been his schtick since Red/Blue (when he was the only pokemon who could learn every TM/HM/Move in the game, and hacked in Mews had Metronome and Transform)
- Mewtwo is an attempt to clone Mew, again has been known for awhile, consider these two, along with Deoxys, as genetic baselines for all species
-Celebi is a time traveling pokemon, an eternal "sprite" of life for the planet, hence the grass typing
- The regis are manifestations of raw material found on the planet, so I would tie them to the lands, subordinate to regigigas, tie them to lands
- Latios/Latias are sibling dragons I've always considered to be subordinate to Rayquaza's dominance over dragons in general; I would tie them to the sky
- Jirachi is like Celebi, but for space
- Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit are emotional manifestations, I don't know where to stick them
- Heatran is like the regis, a manifestation of the planet's core, tie it to lands
- Cresselia is like a balance to Lunaala, the bright side of the moon
- Manaphy produce Phiones, I would tie them to the oceans, subordinate to Kyogre
- Darkrai belongs somewhere on the moon side, maybe next to Yvetel; his domain is the subconcious
- Shayman is an emissary between land and sky (and super fucking gay)
- Vicinti is creation, don't know if that would be spark of life creation or planetary
- the fight deer are more land/oceans pokemon, likely insignificant
- Tornadus, Landorus, Thunderus are all sky subordinates
- Meloletta is song manifest, probably not significant
- Genesect is a "normie" pokemon from ancient times
- Diancie is tied to Lands; literally a Carbink that became diamond instead of remaining as coal
- Volcanion is an emissary between Lands and Oceans
- Hoopa is an interdimensional pokemon, a split/emissary between Time and Space