I love the Sinnoh games. The region was fun to travel through with a great variety in routes; towns not so much. Played them after high school and really wasn't much from Platinum but it was Definelty a surprise. The bast tales are slow, but I love the designs of the Pokemon. Also the climb up Mt Coronet, The Galactic Base, the lake bombing, the rival battles... the scenarios are just well done. Of course it's a Pokemon game yet I thought it was done in a fun way.
I know it's based off Japan, but Sinnoh does the up-north country theme right (like Donkey Kong Country 3). Living in Michigan I've gone up north a few times and the atmosphere and mood in Sinnoh is similar to hanging around the Great Lakes during fall and Winter.
Best part for me is the music. Piano and bass is to Sinnoh as Trumpets is to Hoenn. Best OST in the series to date. I can gush about DPPt all day and I look forward to what the remakes have to offer, especially with the music.
If anything I hope the remakes offer more exploration and focus on liberating the players to take Sinnoh in as loose a manner as possible with good level scaling, instead of trying to complicate the story. Though that's the opposite of Game Freak's current trend. Their caves and mountains were closer to actual dungeons from over RPGs. Also, more cross-gen evos, even for ones from Unova and Kalos.
Whew that was more than I expected to say.