Nigga, they've been confirmed so hard, it'd take a bloody miracle for them to somehow not be real. Unless this somehow winds up being the biggest ruse of all time, it just ain't happening.
Fucking accept it, we're getting mermaid dick, Robin Hootananny Hoot and Tony the fucking Wrestler Tiger, whether we like them or not.
Awful gen for me this time, just wanted a silly looking fun loving sea lion, that's quite literally it, nothing else, no other expectations, everything else would be a plus, I get Idol Star Mermaid Barbie, the Sea Lion version for girls. I don't really feel like picking the other two either and from those two, only Rowlett's the only one only slightly interesting me, but barely, but I already had the intention of going with Popplio since very early on since I've grown so used to it.
I'm just gonna keep it at Brionne and end it at that and pretend its evolution doesn't exist.