>>29132778>implying starters that aren't Blaziken or Greninja can do anything at allI guess thats debatable. If Poppmaid gets Serene Grace as HA and recovery it would be ridiculous.
>single stage shitmonYou do realize Tapu Koko is a legendary with a fantastic ability right?
>slow shit-type fox with no defensesScarftales would shit on 90% of Dragons weak to its STAB. If you don't count Ubers invested in bulk.
>single stage shitmonDepends on its movepool. Its typing and ability(if it resets by switching out) is amazing though. And someone calculated it has around 92 attack.
>takes neutral hits from Fighting and will get destroyed Earthquake anyway which every dragon carriesMythical pokemon stats, Air Balloon, Fairy type Overheat, would stomach nonSTAB fighting coverage moves. For being a machine, I can see it get Automatize and Shift Gear to outspeed and nuke every Dragon it faces. Soul Heart would work like Moxie too.
Also Latias and Latios are weak to Fairy. And who the fuck runs Steel Wing?