>>29142140Out of eight confirmed "lines" of alola Pokemon, three are dark, which is more than a quarter of them. The last two we were shown were dark as well. The first two lines were both ice types, so ice and dark stand out more, especially considering the only alola forms we've seen with full, complete evolutionary lines are ice types or dark types. The other alola forms are Exeggutor, Marowak, and Raichu who all evolve from ordinary Pokemon. The actual total dark-type alola forms is 5, with an assured 6th in alolan Persian, out of 12 (13 with Persian), almost half of them. Using how many lines there are is disingenous because Exeggute, Raichu, and Marowak are three single Pokemon you can consider to be three "lines" whereas Rattata, Raticate, Grimer, and Muk are four single Pokemon you can consider two lines.