>>29281569>Bitching about a low number of new pokemon when we're approaching/exceeding 800 total at this point.The pokemon games have an *incredibly* robust roster of monster at this point, and that's not even accounting for all the various forms, be they simply cosmetic or stuff like Meloetta, Kami Trio, Megas or Alola forms. We're getting to a point where cranking out 100+ new pokemon each gen will eventually make the franchise buckle under the weight. Completing the national dex will become such a chore for new players that they may never seen some of the already existing monsters that aren't native to whatever game they're playing. It'll also lead to scraping the bottom of the barrel a lot faster if they try to crank out a bunch of new monsters every gen. You'll end up with some shitty ones that were cranked out in a rush to satisfy a number requirement and end up being useless or just plain unlikable, as well as having gamefreak use up some good pokemon concepts on said mons. Would you really want to get that long asked for dolphin pokemon if it meant that it was part of a design sweatshop and didn't get enough time devoted to designing it so it comes out hideous and has terrible stats/typing?
As is, I think they're headed in the right direction. Start giving us regional forms of older pokemon (not just Kanto going forward though, obviously) with a smaller handful of monsters that have a lot of flavor and fill in the dex with older pokemon for familiarity. The Alola pokemon are very nice and fitting to the setting (Comfey is a lei, a sandcastle pokemon, a school of fish, a toucan, etc.) and have nice designs with some fun/unique type combos and a range from cutesy pokemon to badass pokemon. Toss in the updated versions of some classic Kanto stuff and Alola feels very fresh.
Quit your bitching and realize that cranking out too many pokemon is just going to lead to bad shit.