>>29323012Scarf Weavile is pretty damn silly. It can't even revenge most Dragon Dance users that well, and your team doesn't even really need a fast Pursuit Trapper that much. Clefable and Metagross both defeat Lati@s, and you can tie with them at worst using your own Latios. Most other pokemon weak to Dark can be checked by your other pokemon except for Gengar I guess, which has two speed ties to contend with. Basically, Scarf seems like a waste although I like it in theory. Also someone mentioned Scarfdrill being a big threat, maybe swap Garchomp for Lando-T.
>>29322969Didn't you post this exact thread yesterday? I don't even play doubles.
>>29323910Feraligatr and Gyarados seem like they can both be poised to sweep if they weaken your Celebi a little, it's a good thing you're running max defense but be mindful, Crunch and Bounce both deal like 80% at +1. Gyarados can even play around a lot of your pokemon with Substitute. Also, Reuniclus looks really effective too if it can set up a Trick Room. I don't play much UU so I'm not sure.
>>29324440Looks a little weak to Electric types maybe, I get that you have Drill Run + Rotom but still. 3 Electric weaknesses is sizeable. Something like Scarf Rotom-H or Magneton can bamboozle much of your team, especially since you aren't running Special Defensive Diancie. If your Diancie bites the dust or gets Dugtrio'd something like Agility M-Ampharos can clean up good. Once again, probably not the best person to ask for UU advice though.
>>29324596>naive Nidoking with only special attacksOther than that no real complaints, Defog + Rapid Spin is maybe a little overkill, also throw Stealth Rock on Nidoking maybe. I don't play monotype much.
>>29325068With no Stone Edge on Landorus-T you are weaker to Flying types, the most threatening of which is Mega Pinsir since you don't have a lot to check it otherwise. Fast fairy types can be tough to deal with too, Mega Diancie and Mega Altaria in particular cause they kill heatran.