>>29337266Unlike many people that complain about it, I couldn't care less about if it is bipedal, quadrupedal, fighting type, dark type, masculine "barabait", etc. Nope, I give no shits about any of those things. Is not even that I think it doesn't fit with torracat or anything, in fact I think the progression from one to another is as good as it can be considering what the final design is.
My problem with it is more about it not being what I expected from when I first read litten's description on the website. It said that it was "calm and cold, never showing its emotions on the surface". I can totally understand why people would think the 3rd stage becoming an angry fighter would make sense as a 180º twist, but I was kinda expecting the theme of level-headedness to be kept throughout the whole line. While I can't quite explain it, I was expecting a mon in the lines of sceptile, or a "feline greninja" of sorts.
When torracat was announced I thought "oh well, litten3 from the leaks is pretty much confirmed now, but I like torracat, maybe I can like litten3 too". When the demo was datamined I stared at its model the longest of any mon just to try and get used to it, but to no use.
I just concluded this is a mon that simply cannot appeal to me, and thus the problem is with me, not with the mon itself. The same with everybody that hates the owl or the siren, or any mon for that matter. And it's not a bad thing, but that's how it is.