>>29347873I do mythicals WT occasionally, though technically they aren't legit since the ribbon needs to be removed for them to go through (I've tried a few workarounds such as RAM injecting to get past the local check but they also have a server check for ribbon, which is pretty stupid when they could just check for the pokémon itself lel).
An anon got a shiny Diancie from me the other day when we had a thread about WT experiences and some of us started WTing for fun.
>>29347965It's hilarious how bad the hack check is, especially for past gen stuff. I've genned from some anons on /ekx/ and sometimes despite their request being legally impossible I still do them if I know they're in the bondaries of hack check shittiness. Just from entralink/DW stuff, you can make Entree Forest shinies, females shinies from male-only events, female HA bred mons from gen 5 that only had male events. And of course, it infamously not giving a shit about the pokémon having HA or it being from gen5+ if it has an Apricorn Ball.
Have you dumped your Battle Replays btw? You can also find some hilarious badly hacked gems there.