>>29350136It's the only logical way to implement regional forms for the Sinnoh games.
The issue is that Gamefreak showed with ORAS that they're willing to be REALLY LAZY and REALLY UNWILLING to innovate.
For Sinnoh you've got arguably the 3 EASY to work with Legandries to explain any shit you want.
One that facilitates Time Travel.
One that facilitates travel to any location possible.
One that facilitates travel between dimensions.
Anyone with basic story telling and thematic aesthetics can use them properly.
Gamefreak has made it clear they lack those things however which is why my hope is dim.
Where we could be getting Arboks from the distant past that still retain their limbs, Octillery from the distant future, having adapted and now excelling at living on land, Aggron from deep within hidden mountain ranges that humans have never traveled too, Gigaliths who lived deep within the darkest caverns of the earth, never having been exposed to sunlight until this point, and Reuinculus who faced with the terrors of the Distortion World, have adapted membranes more akin to exoskelatons