>>29357923I don't level up Pokémon I don't plan on taking to the end. If I'm playing a game and the first Pokémon besides my starter that I want to use doesn't appear until 2-3 badges in, I'll solo the game with my starter until that point (and then excessively use that new Pokémon so it can catch up). I can accept taking in a new Pokémon 6-7 badges in at latest (any longer and it's not really part of the team), and fourth island implies Jangmo-o would be available at about that equivalent point, but it's a pseudo and they always have both slow experience curves and high level requirements to reach final form. I could probably cheese it with Amie or the Exp. Share but that would ruin any chance of the playthrough being fun since it would have the side effect of me steamrolling the rest of the game without even the illusion of challenge.
The only Pokémon that definitely have a solid, permanent spot on my team right now are Poppmaid, Oracorio, and Oranguru, and it would have been Jangmo-o for a fourth if not for the revelation stated above. I don't know if any other Pokémon endear me enough to use, other than Mimikyu but I'm not using Mimikyu my first playthrough because EVERYONE is going to use Mimikyu for their first playthrough.