>>29372120>doesn't make it okayMotherfucker, if MILLIONS of people pay for the cart or the download it doesn't fucking matter. Nintendo getting that money like always and then guess what? They don't CARE IF YOU OR SOMEONE ELSE ON THE INTERNET PIRATES THAT SHIT OR FUCKING HACKS IT OR INJECTS OR BREED OR PLAYS LIKE IT'S INTENDED.
THESE MASTERMINDS CAN DO 1/2 THE WORK OR 1/4TH and publish a SHIT tier game feeding garbage down the throats of MILLIONS and they'll still buy the NEXT GEN because they got the kids of every GEN hooked.
It doesn't matter. At all.
Once pokemon goes on VR it's over. Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony will always be around until the Markets crash and MONEY is no longer viable.
If there's currency to be made then people will spend it on this shit. Why? Because it's popular amongst sheeple. Do sheeple outweigh your bitchass? Yes. Yes they do.
So does it matter what you believe or if your opinion is even right?
Fuck no. You'll always be a crybitch.
No one gives a fuck.
Nintendo gets paid, you cry.
That's the end of it.
this shit, fags.