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Confirmation that the final evos are fake

No.29387231 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
These evolutions make zero fucking sense.
They add elements just to remove them afterwards. Not even try to advance them, just straight out into the trash. So, why do all three jump their color schemes back and forth? Black/Red, Light Brown/Green and Dark Blue/White then Black/Orange, Dark Brown/White and Light Blue/White. Suddenly they go back to the originals. Why? Just why? Then design features. Dartrix gains hair, Torracat gains black claws with eyes that have thick black outlines and Brionne gains golden bubbles and pigtails. Final evolutions remove the hair from dartrix, black eye outlines from Torracat and also make the claws white for some reason and Brionne's pigtails get replaced by starfish and it's bubbles not only get smaller but they also lose the bubble "variation".

We can safely say that the final starter evolutions are fakes made by Gamefreak to put us off.