>>29396906Gen IV: Sinnoh gets gay as fuck at some points thanks to the most retarded layout of any region ever. The soundtrack is one of the best of the series. The dex is kind of weird and feels a bit lazy in the same way gen 2 mons did, but I appreciate most of the new evos for building on the original designs and keeping cool mons relevant. HGSS are the best remakes (and possibly best games) in the series IMO, they completely elevate the originals and feel a lot more complete and satisfying. This gen also introduced online and kind of introduced competitive (at least into the general consciousness) so needs props for that.
Gen V: This is the first, and maybe only time they got the 'epic' story thing right IMO (which they've been trying repeatedly since gen 3). I don't play pokemon for the story, but the climax of BW certanily feels exhilirating in a away no other pokemon game has matched. The dex itself is very inconsistent in quality with some of the best and worst designs of the series, but I can forgive the shitmons for the good stuff. The Unova region and soundtrack are top tier, BW2 postgame is lit, so overall I really enjoy these games.
Gen VI: I really dislike mega evolution, it's the first time pokemon seemed to be doing 'cheap gimmicks' (a trend they're now continuing with Z-moves and Alolas). It just seems really dumb when you could give old mons new evos or just buff their BST/ movepools. Kalos as a region also feels very lazy and uninspired and it's the first time a pokemon OST ever let me down. I will give it props for making competitive breeding accessible, and introducing 3D models, but I feel like the spectacle of le 3D was kind of distracting them from actually putting effort into the games. ORAS are more enjoyable than the original games, but nowhere near the level of HGSS in terms of quality remakes. No frontier is unforgivable. Overall I'm really down on this gen, the best thing about it was the competitive side of things by far.