>>29444973I love almost all of this. But... NOT FULLY EVOLVED for Evolite purposes?
>>29445955Meh. I really only like two Pokemon here.
>>29445998Steely-eyed trainer. I respect the Infernape, one of my favorite starters.
>>29446089I'm half-and-half on this one. Love the King, Scrafty, and Raichu.
>>29446147Double starters? Otherwise, meh.
>>29447088Cradilly is a weird choice but I respect it.
>>29448229You know how I feel about this one.
>>29449059Puppers, a fox, and NOT FULLY EVOLVED REEEEEE
>>29449233Confragrius, Kingler, Ampharos, and Togekiss are all A-okay with me. Is this a themed team...? I'm sensing a theme.
>>29449345The Shockmonkey. The rest of the team, I respect a whole lot.
>>29449499Love Chesnaught, but what is that sprite? Also, waifus?
>>29449898Why don't you rate some yourself.