>>29460123>I think it's fine for continuity to be flexible to some extent. I think people were fine with accepting that RBY and FRLG were really just the same game, for instance, because the small details that changed don't affect the overall setting too much. Certain changes were of course made to facilitate how the franchise had grown (like the National Dex even existing). So basically, FRLG "replaced" RBY.I agree with this
>If FRLG were being released today people would instead declare it's just another alternate universe split.Depends. If we get an explicit statement, like in ORAS, then they would be correct, if they assumed it, like they do now, they would be retarded. But the pokemon fanbase lacking reading comprehension is not a problem of the franchise.
> When you introduce alternate universes and the like you turn continuity as a concept into a clusterfuck such that it is basically meaninglessYou really don´t if you can handle it well. Pokémon continuity is so simple than they have yet to made a mistake. If it´s too complicated to you then you are the problem, not the franchise.
>because it really just means infinite worlds can existAgain, it depends on how it´s handled and they havent said different worlds exist, so far there´s 4 confirmed(RSE and blacks, RSE and whites, ORAS and blacks, ORAS and whites), can there be more? yeah, but they havent said so. Multiverse doesnt imply finite universes. Heck, DC had a strict 52 universes canon for some years.
>I mean, does it really matter? Not really, it's a silly kid's game and I'll still have fun playing it.Well, yeah, if it´s too hard to get, in the end, that´s all it matters.
>As a concept multiple universes really just make continuity totally meaningless though.It really doesnt.
>>29460189this. It´s not that hard.