Typings for the yet to be revealed evolutions and pokemon will determine if they get a spot on the team.
>>29462171mono ghost is great. did a run with that in BW2
>>29462339not a fan of type overlap unless doing a mono run but good taste regardless.
>>29462796Toucan is the only pokemon I truly dislike this gen.
>>29462978You are forcing mimikyu to be a cuck. Not sure if mean or genius.
>>29463405nice variety
>>29463540Dugfabulous. Nice.
>>29463687good picks.
>>29464376Garbodor out of nowhere. Pretty good though.
>>29464877ignoring the possibles because there are simply too many. the team isnt bad but i find those nicknames to be... well, I don't like em. I'll just leave it at that.
>>29465860ignoring everything but a-list. not bad.
>>29465864fuck the toucan but otherwise fine.
>>29466190Dont complain when the game is super easy due to 3 starters.
>>29466280Or, you know, literal females.
>>29467027no idea what the names mean but bot bad.
>>29467174Pun game is on point.
>>29468324waifu heavy team
>>29468429mono ghost is cool
>>29469381using all of these at some point too.
>>29469441 >>29470038 >>29468533 >>29469154 >>29467642 >>29467321 >>29466090 >>29463021 >>29463108 >>29463152 >>29462341 >>29462744 >>29461677 all of these are okay>>29469562ditch sensu instead.
>>29469832if i didnt already have my grass types id use Morelull2 as well. not bad other than the legend.