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No.29461945 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Imagine this:

One day, there is a great race. You have trained long and hard, but honestly, you don't really need to try. Why not? Because your "competition" is garbage. They aren't trained, they aren't prepared, and they pretend that they aren't even interested in the prize, even though they can't keep their eyes off it. You beat them terribly, and easily win. You rest easy that night, and for many nights to follow, because you KNOW that you already won.

Now, more than a decade later, a random person walks up to the track where the race was once held. This person is slightly better than the previous people you've raced, but it doesn't matter. The race is over, and has been for years. The stadium is old and decrepit, the track is muddy and uncared for, and other than them, no one else is even there anymore; not even you.

But they still race, with no one but themselves. They finish, (far behind your times, not that it matters anymore) and declare themselves the winner.

You can only laugh at their delusions, but you obviously take no offense to it. This person is clearly unhinged, and you rest comfortably, knowing, that above all, you are fine.

Because you've already won.