>this thread is for the toppest of keks that /vp/ can offer>>29522199not funny
>>29522304script kiddie gets bored in paint: the thread
also not funny
>>29522365tired ass meme, no one honestly believed that incineroar was going to be fire/fighting, it was literally only shitposters farming for (You)s. no one was btfo by this reveal.
>including "include me in the screencap!!!" posts in the screencap>>29522388this is the best post in the thread but the previous posts didn't exactly set the kek bar that high. also
>including "include me in the screencap!!!" posts in the screencap>>29522526>>29522549unfunny trash, never post again.
>>29522596this post singlehandedly proves /vp/ is filled with underage idiots as only kids would find this funny
>>29522651literally the least funny thing I have ever seen
>/vp/ confirmed for underage faggots>/vp/ confirmed for shit taste>/vp/ confirmed for least funny boardall posters who submitted something should end their lives. pic related.