>>29533136Kids are dumb. It is irresponsible to teach children to disregard Biology in favor of your make believe gender faggotry because, like most young adults that have this shit spoon fed to them as fact in college, their brains haven't fully developed yet. You reference how soon it will be the norm in the media, and rightly so, but unfortunately we live in reality, where this shit doesn't make any goddamn sense, and said media is deemed untrustworthy across the board. I'd say kys, but you are actually statistically more likely to do that, especially if you have had any sort of genital mutilation. Instead, I encourage you to seek psychiatric treatment as, once again, the facts suggest that you will be a happier and more productive member of society. Your feelings do not matter where biology is concerned. History will look back on you like we do electroshock therapy victims today. Letting you do this to yourself is inhumane and cruel. I'm so sorry.