>>29540901>SinnohToo many fucking legendaries holy shit. And this is my favorite gen too. Creation trio were interesting lore wise but their concepts of gods was silly. Giratina is the best designed with Dialga being okay and Palkia being shit since it looks like dick and balls.Lake trio were boring but seeing more interaction between legendaries is nice. Giratina being this unknown third legend was cool since he wasn't a peace keeper like Rayquaza and just didn't want his place to get fucked up. Sinnoh gave us fucking Phione and a bunch of other random ass legendaries. I like Rotom though, it's cool, same with Gigas. Arceus being hyped up but not even being in the games was stupid. Best starters.7/10
At this point I won't be able to say as much since I either didn't play the games or didn't finish them.
>UnovaLet me get it out of the way and say that the genies suffer the same thing as the lake guardians, slight and lazy redesigns shouldn't count as a separate legendary. Except this time one is more special then the other two and their form changes make me want to go blind. Truth vs ideals is cool and Reshiram and Zekrom are nice but because if this only one of them works with N's view. Kyurem is there I guess, not much to say. Victini being in some basement is weird but funny and but unlike Manaphy and Jirachi, its concept doesn't really fit with the other legends.
Just realized I missed Deoxys and Celebi,whoops and the worst starters.6.5/10
>KalosXerneas not being weak to either of Yveltal's types is dumb but Life vs Desth is awesome. Zygrade is snake form is better but all these other forms are just unnecessary. Plus they're not even in XY and are in a different region like Arceus was. Diance and carbink are, like other legendaries forgettable. Starters are fine but the Greninja dicksucking is on par with Charizard. 7.5/10
Did I miss anything?