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No.29559832 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>according to Masuda, Z never was a thing, they wanted made something surprising like BW2
>he also say they would rather make RS remakes before XY sequel
>Z(garde) crystals, Z Power, Z moves, Z ring
>Zygarde, Solgaleo and Lunala are the only non mythical/UB/Tapu legendaries in the alolan dex
>Zygarde is listed next to Solgaleo and Lunala in the japanese website, some media and merchandising
>Zygarde fits in the alchemy esque
>Zygarde have its own cutscenes
>Zygarde confirmed to appear in the postgame (because Sina, Dexio and megas are confirmed to postgame too)

>people still deny Zygarde is the third legendary and the true legendary protagonist instead box legendaries, like Rayquaza in ORAS