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Anyone actually replayed RBY recently what with it being on the VC? I know genwun is a meme here but what are your honest thoughts?

I just finished playing through Yellow and honestly I still really enjoyed it. Of course there is major nostalgia playing a part, but I was surprised how many of the newer features I didn't really miss.

I think the level curve is pretty nice as long as you're raising a full team like any good trainer should be - it never felt like too much of a chore to replace a team member with a new mon if I felt like it. The only exception would be a lot of the water mons that you can only get at really low levels once you get the Super Rod. I also like how Butterfree is actually good early-game, I can't think of any other Pokemon game where I'd actually bother with a starter bug even for a short while.

Love the layout of the Kanto region and the sense of freedom once you get to Celadon. You get Fly at just the right time so getting around never feels like a pain.

I actually quite like the limited movepools/ limited use of TMs as I feel it forces you to plan your team more carefully too, but I get why competitive shitters hate this.

Biggest complaints are definitely UI ones (having to open the menu to use HMs, fucking manual box change, no move info in-game, limited item space - all this stuff is dreadful)

Also, Alakazam is a completely game-breaking mon, even in-game. From the moment Kadabra learns Psybeam it OHKOs literally everything you come across except other Psychic types. It even gets Recover so you don't need to stock up on potions. I actually boxed it when I realised there was no reason to ever use anything else.

Anyway, these games are certainly flawed but they still hold up IMO, everything that makes today's pokemon games fun is still there in RBY. It just makes me think that genwun hate is a bit of an overblown reaction to an admittedly annoying part of the fandom. But what do you guys think?