>>29581810dewgong as signature pokemon is very comfy, i love corsola too
>>29581858you are consistent in your choices, that's nice. ninjask is one of my fav bug type
>>29583641venusaur is love, nice vintage style chart
>>29584325it's me, i love my team
>>29584502starmie line is comfy and gastrodon is a surprising choice, nice
>>29584605cloyster line and horsea line, lovely and good combo
>>29584872consistent in choices too, marowak is comfy as your partner
>>29584929i loved your team, pinplup triggered my autism, but is a nice touch to have different type in a team as gym leader
>>29585000beedrill as main is awesome, i can see this team working competitively, not sure about venusaur and roserade
>>29585018i made my chart in photoscape