>>29648948Hitmonlee is a kickboxer with a torso-face and springy legs. Hitmonchan is a boxer that wears clothes. The only shared trait is their drab, brown color.
Throh is a very stout, bulky judo master with bright red skin. Sawk is a tall, slender karate master with bright blue skin. They have more traits in common than the Hitmons, since they both wear uniforms and look like muppets, but they're still clearly counterparts.
Now look at Crabrawler and... I'mma call him Crabrute.
Crabrute has the same colors that Crabrawler has + white. Their body types are very similar. If they're counterparts, where is the contrast in fighting styles? We've had boxing versus kicking, striking vs grappling, and now we have... boxing vs yeti boxing?