Genuine tie on bug types. Only chose both Lycanroc formes because they feel like they compliment eachother. Otherwise Midnight > Midday.
>>2967339815/18, bit confused by the choices of Aurorus, Bastiodon, and Leafeon, but very solid choices otherwise dude.
>>2967360415.5/18. Half point off for Gengar because it's such a generic choice from a type full of cool Pokemon. Points off outright for Mega Heracross (Heracross was fine as is) and Charizard, who I just personally hate.
>>2967388613.5/18. Half point off for Gengar see above. Point off for Mega Charizard who is even worse than regular Charizard. Points off for literally my mom's Sun Wukong on fire, reject xenomorph and worst bug.
>>2967423616/18. Points off for Magnezone and Hariyama, because they both look just awful. Kudos otherwise.
>>2967425715.5/18. Points off for Swallow and Magnezone, half point off for Vanilluxe because I like Vanillite but I'm so-so on Vanilluxe.
>>2967500117/18, solid as far as I'm concerned, excluding Fearow. Fearow is just sort of generic to me sorry
>>29675362Eh. 18/18. Solid enough.
>>2967571716/18. Points removed for Florges and Aurorus, who are just so very, very ugly to me. Nice taste in starters.
>>2967598218/18, perfect taste. I keep feeling tempted to take off points for Lapras but I think I just need to learn to like it, even if its smug face annoys me.
>>2967601416.5/18. Half point off for Gengar again. Full point off for Infernape.
>>2967605818/18. Love the use of manga pics.
>>2967691617/18, point off for Bastiodon because it's still a weird choice to me. Love the choice of pictures though.
>>2967704313/18, as I hate plane dragon, light ass bug, liepard, and lanturn especially.
>>2967750016/28, points off for eevees.
>>2967783419/18 because you like Banette and Noivern too.
>>2967787517/18 Golduck a shit.