>>29675546>>29675546>>29675546This picture is one of the most cherry picked autistic things I have ever seen in my time on this shitfest of a website.
The person who made this literally has autism. The fact that they can accept challenge mode in B/W but cannot accept the idea of just turning the exp share off is an indicator that they might be literally autistic.
They have some arbitrary per-defined logic about whats okay and whats not. Challenge mode is labeled as "okay" in their book simple because its called challenge mode. Turning the exp share off is "not okay" simple because it is turned on when given to you and not "properly" labeled as a challenge if turned off.
Autistic people need everything to fall into the right categories. If something doesn't they can't accept it. OP's reasoning here is arbitrary to us but to him it's all very logical.
When I look at the EXP share and see if can be turned of, I take that as a sign that the game can be played in two states: EXP Share ON, or EXP Share OFF. Thats the normal way of looking as such a situation.
For OP since I came in the ON state when given to the player then there really is not choice. In OP's mind the game is then as such; supposed to be played in the ON state. There really is no choice because his Autistic parameters dictate that it was never intended to be switched off, otherwise the game would have told him so.
Autists need things clearly presented to them. They can't be left to infer anything. Hence why Op is okay with B/Ws difficulty selector. Because its clearly labeled.