[14 / 4 / ?]
Quoted By: >>29683820 >>29683927 >>29683944 >>29683959
>be me on a Saturday afternoon
>go to local Gamestop to preorder Sun & Moon
>two moderately attractive female cashiers
>one jumps up to help me
>tell her what I want
>proceed with transaction
>chit chat about midnight release
>hear an autist behind me
>he's stammering about making a payment
>spaghetti is everywhere
>try my best not to turn to look at him, don't want to make it worse
>go back out to car
>see 20-something autist get in car with his mom
>the tires were meatballs
Now, I never go to gamestop. Literally maybe once or twice a year. I discussed this situation with friends. It was my opinion that having cute female cashiers only makes it worse for autists. Like, they wouldn't be dropping so much spaghetti if it were a fat neckbeard behind the counter. My friends argued that having cute girls working there makes the autistic males regular customers. They must go home and fantasize about them. I was like nope, they're on /vp/ fapping to waifumons and pokegirls. Who's right here?
>go to local Gamestop to preorder Sun & Moon
>two moderately attractive female cashiers
>one jumps up to help me
>tell her what I want
>proceed with transaction
>chit chat about midnight release
>hear an autist behind me
>he's stammering about making a payment
>spaghetti is everywhere
>try my best not to turn to look at him, don't want to make it worse
>go back out to car
>see 20-something autist get in car with his mom
>the tires were meatballs
Now, I never go to gamestop. Literally maybe once or twice a year. I discussed this situation with friends. It was my opinion that having cute female cashiers only makes it worse for autists. Like, they wouldn't be dropping so much spaghetti if it were a fat neckbeard behind the counter. My friends argued that having cute girls working there makes the autistic males regular customers. They must go home and fantasize about them. I was like nope, they're on /vp/ fapping to waifumons and pokegirls. Who's right here?