>Sinnoh: Names are based on things that pertain to the place.
>Twinleaf Town: Means bud, sprout, or set of two leaves.
>Sandgem Town: From sand and gem.
>Jubilife City: From jubilant and life.
>Oreburgh City: From ore and the suffix burgh meaning city.
>Eterna City: Eterna is a shortening of eternal, a word that is synonymous with forever
>Floaroma Town: From flora and aroma.
>Hearthome City: From the expression home is where the heart is.
>Solaceon Town: From solace, meaning comfort.
>Veilstone City: From veil and stone.
>Pastoria City: From pasture land.
>Celestic Town: From celestial.
>Canalave City: From canal and lave.
>Snowpoint City: From snow and point (as the northernmost point of Sinnoh, possibly referencing kissaki).
>Sunyshore City: Derives from sunny, referring to its weather, and shore, as it is on Sinnoh's coastline.
>Fight Area: The name seems to come from the fact that the Fight Area is not a city, however, it is a tiny port town built around the
>Battle Park/Battle Frontier, where many Pokémon battles take place.
>Survival Area: The name may come from the fact that it is one of the most remote of the incorporated areas of Sinnoh, separated from all others by Routes 225 and 226, both of which feature very rugged landscapes.
>Resort Area: The name may refer to the fact that this area is very peaceful, as well as the fact that the Ribbon Syndicate, into which only very skilled Coordinators can enter, is located here.
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