It has become extremely apparent to me that GameFreak no longer cares for the franchise in any way other than making money. Both XY and SM are being excessively forced to the brim with Gen 1 pandering, and the entirety of Gen 6 lacked proper character writing, post game content and overworld building. Hoenn had exactly as much as in Gen 3, nothing more, and XY had a tiny-ass region with a literal wasteland with absolutely nothing to do in whatsoever as well as the "Pokémon Village", the sad excuse of a location for forcing Mewtwo into the game. Even the main story of XY was just as half-assed as everything else. It's obvious that they're actually trying to make SM better than XY, but that may very well only be because of the anniversary, and they can go back to half-assing their games as soon as from the next games onwards. They also clearly don't give a single fuck about the Pokémon anymore, as they're completely content with literally putting conference room jokes into the actual game. Not even kidding, they literally said in an interview that Alolan Raichu/Persian/Dugtrio/Golem/all-those-shitty-ones were actual jokes. And personally, I find that Gen 7 has the biggest amount of designs that I dislike bar Gen 1, so both objectively AND subjectively do I unironically want GameFreak to just fucking stop shitting on the franchise and sell it out to a company that will actually take it serious.