You know what? I bet I know where this is going
>random nobody on Twitter shows up
>guys I have it but can't say more than that
>dump it? Sure I got the dumping tool but instead of dumping it I'm gonna let a bunch of underage b&s stroke my e-penis for a bit
>oh? some guy is gonna buy it off of me? He has until Sunday
>nothing happens on Sunday
>insert Lurantis here one random Monday morning leaking info
>h-haha I can dump it but I can say for sure I'll get my hands on a copy
>days go by of Lurantis, ledditors, ebin (You)tubers flooding /vp/
>g-guys don't forget I exist haha of course I'm gonna dump it I just didn't get my copy yet
>game gets dumped by some blessed soul some time later
>oh wow guess you guys don't need me to dump the games anymore like I said I was going to days ago h-hahahaha (whew that was close)
>goes back into hiding and never hear from him again until he claims he has (insert next game here)
>lather rinse repeat