To summarize;
>Decidueye gets Leaf Blade, Energy Ball, Grass Knot, Spirit Shackle, Shadow Claw, and Shadow Ball for STAB
>gets Brave Bird, Steel Wing, Low Sweep, and Acrobatics for coverage
>gets Sucker Punch, U-turn, and Smack Down for offensive utility
>gets Curse, Baton Pass, Defog, and Synthesis for defensive utility
>gets Work Up, Swords Dance, and Nasty Plot for boosting
>Incineroar gets Flare Blitz, Darkest Lariat, Crunch, Throat Chop, and Brutal Swing for STAB
>gets Leech Life, Acrobatics, Shadow Claw, Cross Chop, and Earthquake for coverage
>gets Fake Out and U-turn for offensive utility
>gets Will-O-Wisp for defensive utility
>gets Work Up, Bulk Up, Swords Dance, and Nasty Plot for boosting
>Primarina gets Surf, Hydro Pump, Scald, Sparkling Aria, Moonblast, Dazzling Gleam, and Hyper Voice* for STAB
>gets Ice Beam, Blizzard, Psychic, Shadow Ball, and Energy Ball for coverage
>gets Aqua Jet for offensive utility
>gets Aqua Ring and Perish Song for defensive utility
>gets Work Up for boosting