I'm going to assume Beast Boost acts like Moxie for the mon's highest current stat, not base stat, so the choice is affected by EV investment. So:
>>29748069Could be a pretty cool general utility mon, if not in OU. Can set pebbles, pivot, Twave shit and break teams with special type Moxie and wide coverage.
>>29748269Lack of U-Turn hurts a little, would've been a perfect pivot with it. Lack of Drain Punch AND Close Combat hurts even more, has to rely on fucking Hammer Arm of all things. It could still serve as a pretty good offensive pivot with Roost, huge physical bulk and coverage that can be tailored towards removing specific threats. And of course Moxie.
>>29748426Deoxys-Waifu. Maybe even better. Physically based mixed set with HJK/U-Turn/PJab/IceBeam and Life Orb would tear OU apart, especially with Speed Moxie that makes it impossible to revenge kill with scarfers.
>>29748593Manaphy who? Instant uber.
>>29748762Allrounder as far as stats go. No recovery is suffering. At least it has Agility clone + coverage + special Moxie + great defensive typing. Probably UU.
>>29748908Frail as fuck. Having to rely on 70BP Steel STAB with no secondary effects is bad, but Leaf Blade + Sacred Sword + that fuckhuge attack stat + speedcreeping Keldeo/Terrakion (no 110 though) + Moxie would still make it good. Also a cool offensive Defogger if you can somehow force and predict a switch.
>>29749237Fucking garbage. HP stat is disproportionately high compared to both defenses, so a lot of BST is wasted on suboptimal distribution. Zero utility. That ridiculous coverage lets it be a wallbreaker, but with base 43 speed most walls will still outspeed it without significant investment. Literally a worse Hydreigon. RU at very best.
>>29749531Balanced stats, lots of cool utility, great unique ability. Fits on every team from hyper offense to full stall and can even set Trick Room. Nothing particularly standout, but fuck if it isn't customizable. tfw no Recover