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Sun Moon hate/discontent/everything

No.29794134 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
So SuMo is basically 4chan's equiv of out, as everyone with a decent computer and great internet speed now has access to the game.

And what happens?

4chan pulls a 4chan and does nothing but bitch about it.

I'm not really shocked, to be fair. But now that I've seen it spread into other places like the showdown, serebii, smogon and reddit chats I've seen the same complaints boggled around.

How about we fuck em

>Not even 100 new pokemon AGAIN?

Did you want another Pokemon Black? Where everything has to be redone just to fit the quota of "Rock thing, check. Fighting 3 stage, check" like the goddamn motions? 100 new mons would've sapped resources from some of the best new designs in the gen and put them towards shitmons everyone would've still complained about. I'm sure it's evident that the only reason Chimecho, Girafarig, Maractus and Bouffalant exist was to inflate their regional pokedex.

>It's not muh golden age of Platinum/HGSS/Emerald/Black2

You know what? I'm a little sad too. I do miss some of what those games had to offer. But you know what else I like? New shit. Every generation people bitch about their favorite 1 note feature being gone in the next game. Would I love a game with pokemon that follow you, an expansive battle frontier, integrated move tutors, riding pokemon, contests, poffins, safari zones, secret bases, soaring, the underground, diving, balanced megas, boutiques, berry farms, join avenue? HELL YES, I almost autistically drooled typing that. But that is so much more than most people would be willing to wade through, and they need some new shit or the complaints would be about nothing new. UBs, Z-moves, and the Poke-Ride system are neat concepts, and they may not return in the future. Boo.

>Really? Everything's too fucking slow. Welcome to Aslowla

Yeah, you're right. A lot of the new mons are too slow. But you know what isn't? The 300 other mons in the alolan dex. You still have Gengar, Crobat and about 15 more all have 80~ speed.