I have never used a scrafty because he's red and orange.
Most fire types are red or orange, and i always use a fire type. But i don't want to have two pokemons of the same color in my team. Not because i'm actually autistic, i just don't want to see two pokemons of the same color in the team preview. I like to take a good look at the mini sprites of my team, and it really rustles my jimmies when two are of the same color. It looks ugly and antiesthetic, i want a nice variety of colors on my team. A red pokemon, a blue pokemon, a yellow pokemon and so on. BUT NOT TWO RED POKEMONS FOR FUCKS SAKE, i cringe when i even think about it.
So i really love scrafty but i've never used one for this reason, besides playing on showdown. Am i actually autistic, /vp/?