>>29825695>Water/Poison Platypusholy shit thats actually a really fucking good idea
>Grass/Poison Gympie Gympie plantagain, a good idea but 2 poison type starters is not, and water poison platypus works heaps better
>Fire/Poison Redback spideri was thinking about this, but not really as a starter. i figured that it would be the 2 stage bug (see: Ariados but bug fire) but i think having it as a starter is a alternative
most likely change the grass type, being a kangaroo (Grass/fighting), having boxing gloves made out of broken twigs wrapped around it fists, first stage is a joey, its 2nd stage looking like a IRL kanga, 3rd evo like a beefed up second stage, possibly having one of those boxing helmets made from a hollow tree
a more obvious choice, a koala (yes, another one) that is similar to the slacking line in how it evolves but looking like a komala, either being pure grass or grass/dark, taking on a more sinister design
water/poison platypus
no change, that is fucking brilliant, 10/10 holy shit, probably evolves like the kanga, having its 2nd evo look like the ILR animal
Fire/Poison Redback spider
although a good choice, i still think i would rather it to be the Ariados of the gen. my pick? easy, either a thorny devil or a frill-neck lizard
let me explain
>better choice IMOa frill neck lizard would be a perfect choice, it could go the krookodile line, becoming fierce and menacing and (possibly) having moxie and becoming fire dark. if this happens, kanga starters would be a thing and not koala (which i like better) because im stick to the rule of no overlapping starter types. its following the same line in all of the other starters, having 1st stage look like the IRL baby form, second stage being the IRL animal and 3rd beeing beefed up heaps. its frill neck will obviously be flames, similar to typhlosion's back. i could also see it going the fire/steel typing on final evo, because it could have metal plating like a durant.