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No.29822922 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
With all the complaining about Alola pokemon sucking, a question came to me.

What is considered bulky in pokemon? Since physical and special defense are two different stats, for the sake of this discussion we can just pick one defense stat, since a pokemon can be physically bulky but not specially for example.

Is 85/75 bulky? I've seen people here say that that's squishy and can't take hits for shit, when I know of a good number of pokemon squishier than that. But okay, I believe you, 85/75 isn't nothing to write home about.

85/85? 90/90? What's the magic number where the combined hp and defense stat make a pokemon bulky? Is it 200? (100 hp 100 of that defense stat).

Also, separate question regarding pokemon defenses while I'm on the subject. Is HP more valuable than defense? For example, is 150 hp and 50 defense better than 150 defense and 50 hp? What's the difference? What are the advantages to either? I assume its better to have low hp and high defense.