>>29827809Celesteela can actually get away with it. It weighs 1000kg. You get max power on heavy slam when the opponent weighs only 1/5th of what your pokemon does, which before automatize is 200kg or less. You lose 100kg per automatize which brings you to 900kg, so full power heavy slam hits anything weighing under 180kg. The cutoff for this is around the weight of Magnezone.
Now, you do lose max power on some pokemon but most of those pokemon
1. Resist heavy slam, and you wouldn't use it on them anyways (Heatran, Metagross, Steelix, Hippowdon, ect)
2. Are hit SE anyways, and the BP reduction for hitting these is either to 100 or 80 which still makes it competitive with iron head (Tyranitar, Regirock, Gigalith, ect.)
3. Are ubers (Kyogre, Ray, Groudon) that this thing won't run into, shitmons (Snorlax, Exeggutor A) that this thing shouldn't run into or something that it can carry a better coverage move for.