>>29887141It feels like we got a lot of great stuff for monotype this gen. Fire got a massively buffed torkoal and another water neutrality (turtunator), water got a physical grass check/rain setter whose type doesn't overlap with anything but gyarados (pelliper), ice got snowslash, slush rush, another hail setter, and aurora veil, dragon got another fairy neutrality (turt again) and a hyper voice switch in (kommo-o), poison got toxapex, a better psychic immunity/pursuit trapper (Alolan muk), and a fast way to poison or directly kill steel types like skarmory (salazzle), electric got tapu koko (and maybe Alolan golem), psychic got tapu lele and bruxish, grass got tapu bulu and kind of tsareena (could work as a spinner), ghost finally got a spinner (dhelmise), two knock off switchins (mimikyu and marshadow before it's banned), normal got bewear who can eat a close combat, drampa as a general water/firegrass check, and oranguru as another fighting neutrality. Don't even get me started on bug types. Monotype looks like a ton of fun this gen.