>Gen 1
People had to abuse RNG to get Mew, an age where internet hoaxes were rampant
It became available on Nintendo-approved Pokemon events where they had a machine that literally drops a Mew to your cart
>Gen 2
People have to line-up at Nintendo events just to get the GS Ball
>Gen 3
People have to line-up at Nintendo events and Pokemon movies to get e-tickets for multiple legendaries, these e-tickets are translated into items that unlocks certain portions of the game where you do a short hike to acquire the legendary in question
>Gen 4
You need to buy a certain Pokemon spinoff game and play through it to the end to acquire one mythical Pokemon
People have to line-up at Nintendo events and Pokemon movies to get certain items that will unlock certain legendaries
They dropped the ball with the Azure Flute because they totally think their customers and audience are braindead stupid
The age of Wi-fi gave them an excuse to be lazy in later games since this was the generation where a ton of gift Legendaries popped up like crazy
>Gen 5
>Gen 6
Insisting that their audience is braindead stupid they delayed the release of the final 3 Mythicals that no one really cared when they officially came out
They left two major Pokemon behind for the next generation (Az's Floette and 10%/100% Zygarde)
>Gen 7