>>29936635Here's a Follow-up for Gear Stone OCs:
Scyther: Literally a Combine with scythes and wings
Plusle and Minun: Little spider tanks with their ears and tail. When their shots meet, they form a powerful homing shot.
Furfrou: Friender looking-ass robot with two sockets on its shoulders. Can use heart-shaped, diamond-shaped, or star-shaped pods to enhance its power.
Cloyster: Cosmoem looking-ass robot embedded into a wall: Controls two giant Clamshells that close and shoot lasers.
Donphan: Giant Steel Ball, has a tire texture running down the middle, can open up to release its power
Medicham: 3 small, 1 eyed, winged statues with different patterns of wings. Combined, they form a giant bird statue with 3 eyes, a halo, and talons.
Starmie: Aurum Core boss from KI Uprising, with spinning outer core that raises and lowers. Protects inner core. Must destroy four locks to raise the outer core.
Literally 5 Random Pokemon: Voltron, with a heavy Chain Motif.