>>29939554>Best leakORAS demo datamining. I didn't use the internet too much during XY, and ORAS was the first time I presenced a game datamining before release.
>Best MonGreninja and Aegislash were the best Pokémon that Gen VI gave us, I would say Talonflame too but it was nerfed pretty hard.
On design I would say Braixen and both genders of Meowstic.
>Worst MonCarbink is the worst Pokémon Gen VI gave us. Is like Steelix but with a worse typing: is a defensive Pokémon with high defenses that struggles to stayin' alive.
>Best MegaMega Heracross: is not broken, works pretty different to base form instead of outclassing it completely, and more bulk with less Speed.
>Worst MegaMega Audino: only has more bulk and slighty more Sp. Attack with Fairy-type added while having Healer, a situational ability that only works on Doubles and Triples. To add more insult it was one of those Megas that its ability was one of base form's ability (Mega Blaziken, Mega Scizor, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Abomasnow)
>What you gonna miss from it?EV Training in Hordes, Blissey Secret Bases, Primal Groudon and Primal Kyogre everywhere in online, Mega Rayquaza everywhere in online, Hax Maison (I've finally defeated a Battle Chatelaine and unlocked Wally so there's no reason to enter there anymore)
>What you wont?Kalos, Mirage Spots, Sky Battles
>XY or SM?I would choose SM. XY makes you feel bad for how unfinished it is.