>>29956079no dude I played Sun Moon until Exeguttor Island
The only things that were pretty hard were
>Lurantis totemfuck these instant solarblades and infinite synthesis
>2nd KahunaMostly because I don´t have a water mon or ground mon
> Lusamine Only because of fucking Milotic, because I didn´t have anything against water/ground and my team was also heavily weak against water/ground/rock. I lost once soft reset watched the cutscene again lost again and saw that if you loose the story will go on
team: el tigre, sun rockruff evo, fruity loops, mimikyu, and also one mon. Most of them except starter were 5-10 levels undereleveled
While I played XY until I got xerneas and literally had much more difficulty than in SM.
Also I played without exp share and battle style to set.