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No.29974548 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's do something a little different.

Let's talk about the parts we had difficulty with in Sun & Moon.
Obviously when I say 'difficulty' I'm talking about wiping/nearly wiping in certain battles etc.

I don't mean to sound like a cunt here, but if you had absolutely no problems with any battles and breezed through the game, you quite literally have no reason to bring that up here. I'm just getting this out of the way for those people who like to feel high and mighty by posting shit like that when nobody wants to hear it.

With that said, I'll go first.
Bare in mind, this was in a nuzlocke run that I did blind, so I had no idea what was coming etc (this thread isn't strictly for nuzlocke runs though, it's for any)

Totem Lurantis is the first bit of difficulty I came across in S&M. What I expected to be the easiest totem turned out to be the hardest for me personally. Lurantis wiped 5 of my 6 pokemon out and I barely scraped through with the win.

I made a full recovery after that and had a strong backup team that I trained up which didn't have much difficulty at all for a while.

Next difficulty spike came when raiding the Aether Paradise.
Guzma of all things too, but you know the most embarrassing thing about this?
I killed every fucking bug he had with ease, except 1. 1 bug that wiped 4 of my team because it outsped everything on my team and 1 shot them all (besides the thing I actually used to kill it).
That pokemon was fucking Masquerain of all things. Yes, I was confused as to how that happened too.

Needless to say the following battle with Lusamine was the end of me since I only had 2 pokemon left.

It was a very fun run though.