Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[1 / 1 / ?]


No.30004176 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
1. Inject an old NAND backup from when you were still installing a9lh (I did one before)
2. Use Decrypt9 to extract movable.sed from it
3. Use Decrypt 9 to extract movable.sed and LocalFriendCodeSeed_B from your current NAND that is banned
4. Use HxD (hex editor) to compare your old movable.sed with your LocalFriendCodeSeed_B, see how offsets 00000000/08 through 00000110/07 is the SAME!
5. Open up your NEW movable.sed and copy offsets 00000000/08 through 00000110/07
6. Open up LocalFriendCodeSeed_B and CTRL+A and then paste what you just copied
7. Save, inject to sysnand