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No.30004390 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
After 3 years it is time once again to gather around and raise our glasses. Let's toast to 3d graphics in a main series game. Let's toast to the generation that made competitive battling accessable to so many, myself included. Let's toast to trumpets and mega stones. Let's toast to crappy sky battles no one did. Let's toast to Frogs with their tonges 'round their neck and foxes that use deku sticks, Along with something that I swear had its normal and shiney forms switched somewhere. Let's toast postgames and all the monoboob and wormholes that come with them. Let's toast the well worn ban hammer of Smogon and all the people who completely ignored it. And finally, let us praise our gooey savior. Thank you all for making this community what it is, and here's to gen 6! Thanks for giving Sun and Moon such a hard act to follow.