Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Autism - Literally Anything
This thread is the general purpose thread on /vp/ for users wanting to interact using their 3DS and the Wi-Fi. Everyone and all discussion is welcome in this general. If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share. Be sure to use your own leftovers in all trades!
Previous thread:
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Anyone mind catching me a trapinch? Nature and shit doesn't matter, just need one.
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
Gonna repost this since someone was interested in helping me out. This is kinda an odd request, but can anybody help evolve my Charjabug? It's so dumb you can only do it near endgame. Same goes for the move reminder, because I want my Marowak to know Shadow Bone. Can anyone help me out?
Can you trade from ORAS to Sun/Moon if they aren't Gen 7 Pokemon?
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>>30045436 To the anon that wanted to trade his Kadabra, I'm here
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Anyone willing to trade a Pokemon holding a dawn stone for the battle-bond Greninja? I do not care about this thing.
>>30045530 One not made by InjectorFag
>>30045530 One not made by InjectorFag
1075 0837 9522
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anyone got some jolly/adamant syncho abras? I'm gonna go rockruff hunting
>>30045530 One not made by InjectorFag
>>30045530 One not made by InjectorFag
>>30045530 One not made by InjectorFag
>>30045530 One not made by InjectorFag
>>30045552 not until bank update on january
or homebrew bank update soontm
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>>30045577 >>30045611 is this spaz a regular? I thought game of thrones generals were bad
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>>30045577 >>30045611 shut up bitch this thread was first
>>30045577 >>30045611 I never usually come here, is injectorfag the board boogeyman or something?
>>30045692 InjectorFag purposely stirs up shit in a thread not for hacks
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>>30045651 homebrew bank is no better than injecting because thats exactly what it is
my point is homebrew bank doesnt need to be updated if you condone injects
Leo 4871-4442-7047
need a timid Synchronize Abra /wfg/ please. I'm up to the third island so I can get exclusives + I have some spare synchro abras as well.
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anybody want a feebas? I have an extra
>>30045702 >in a thread not for hacks but this is /wfg/. You must be confused. Hacks are fine here if they are announced. There have been 6iv dittos traded here for ages. Perhaps you should spaz out in your own thread? Call it No Hacks General or something
>>30045730 >i can get exclusives >but i wont tell you which i hope you dont expect people to remember your name/fc and know your game non-anon
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>>30045761 Kill yourself InjectorFag
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HOW TO END HACKS VS NO HACKS ALLWOED the person who can post the oldest OP allowing or rejecting hacks wins
>>30045702 That's it? I remember genning for people in /wfg/ back in the early xy days. Didn't realize that kind of thing would have such a visceral reaction now
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Reposting, still need a Sun Stone! I am a drawfag ill draw some shit ill suck yo dick! At Lush Jungle in Sun so the only exclusive i think i have available is cottonee if you want what! Ill go catch that cotton for you!
>>30045814 they weren't welcome then, and they aren't welcome now
Would anyone PLEASE send me ANY of the following, just one: Alolan Vulpix Alolan Sandrew Alolan Marowak Dewpider please, can be injected,
>>30045862 >please, can be injected, you're looking for this thread
>>30042991 4742-5992-4508
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>>30045881 I'm not, because I'd take a real one just as happily
Leo 4871-4442-7047
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>>30045730 >>30045762 I have Sun version sorry about that. I can only get Cottonee/Rufflet/Passimian so far.
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Blaise, if you're here, the Minor and Togedemaru guy is here and finally has wifi
Ben !sPOOPyzeXQ
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
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best nature for decidueye?
Free breeding rejects fucking when?
>>30046341 when you offer them, faggot
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>>30046380 Fight me irl big guy
Could some kind soul that has reached SuMo post game trade me a King Stone if they don't plan on using it? I really want to evolve my Slowpoke into Slowking, but its a real kick in the dick knowing I'd have to stick with slowpoke until the game is over. I'd really appreciate any help, thanks in advance
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
>>30046404 Woops, forgot my friend code,
Also, for anyone that has beaten the game but hasn't found the King's Rock, you get it from Principal Asuka after defeating her in battle - Post Game
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sat 19 Nov 2016 23:26:54 No. 30046561 Report >That OP. Here we go again...
>>30045852 Agreed. /wfg/ has been hack-free since before HGSS, the only reason why InjectorFag throws a shitfit is because he/she can't grasp why we do things the way we do and gets a kick out of stirring shit up.
>>30045814 > Didn't realize that kind of thing would have such a visceral reaction now. That's largely due to /wfg/ being, first and foremost, a community that plays Pokemon the way the developers intended it to be played. /ekx/ is for those who don't give a shit and just want to get stuff ASAP without even working for it.
>I remember genning for people in /wfg/ back in the early xy days. Not exactly, it took ProjectPokemon a few month before they had PkHex working for XY due to the new data structure.
>>30046561 >hack-free since before HGSS I remember those HA starters on B/W
when can i buy these fucking adrenaline orbs?
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>>30046623 In a Pokecenter.
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>>30046623 literally any mart after the second trial
Ketchup 3566 - 2319 -3377
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Anyone have 2 jangmo-o?
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
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Reminder that Sarah poorly lies to try and cover his poorly made hacks
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
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safari hunters anyone? am grass with Sunkern Petilil Gogoat in friend safari am looking for someone with pancham, riolu, hawlucha, braixen, charmeleon, ivasaur, dragons, and metang please add me if you want just tell me when you already added. sorry for bad english my FC 1478 7705 4875
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>>30046623 after you do fire trial iirc
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
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>>30046703 Added, I guess I'll hop into the plaza
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
>>30046480 So is that a yes?
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
I'm on that thing that lists Invited people and VIP, not sure if I can trade with friends. SunMoon is confusing.
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
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>>30046886 Yes, but I have to trade that Slowpoke first.
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
>>30046890 its a bit of a pain in the ass, your in game name is Lenoor right?
As long as we're friends we should appear in each others plaza
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
>>30046936 Yep, but I don'tsee any Jim.
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
>>30046970 Maybe GTS would be easier, I could put up an Abra for Slowpoke trade?
whens the earliest i can trade?
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Looking for someone who's been to Vast Poni Canyon so they can evolve my Charjabug early. Will love you forever
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>>30047104 as soon as you can
>>30047104 The first time you enter a Pokémon center
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
>>30047049 Let's try this.
I don't see Dan either.
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
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>>30046970 I can see you, gonna send link trade requests.
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
>>30047175 Okay, I put up a Level 9 Abra for a Slowpoke with the message "I want to fill my pokedex"
So whats the shop that resets your evs? I have 4 star haunted house and rare resteraunt if anyones keen
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>>30047150 nice, thanks
whats the going rate for A-vilpix?
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
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>>30047175 I'll wait in the plaza while you evolve and teach my guys stuff.
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sun 20 Nov 2016 00:02:09 No. 30047392 Report Quoted By:
>mfw playing through Sun. Jesus, I wish I could go to Hawaii again. Such fond memories of a time gone by...
Oh, and I'm in Poni Canyon right now. Hapu was a bitch until my Golisopod ripped her 'mons a new one.
>>30046598 I vaguely remember those popping up every now and then. Most of the regulars would remind people that they're hacked or, in the case of kinder players, list them as such in their trade lists.
Another thing to remember is that finding a hack was MUCH easier back then, if you offered a Pentaperfect 'mon back then you were immediately met with suspicion and caution.
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>>30047287 battle bar as far as I know, iv nylon ever found one person with it.
Soda bar sells moomo milk sodas etc, not the same.
BTW because the game doesn't point this out, your virtual npc recommends your number 1 on he list store when it talks to people.
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
>>30047256 >>30047175 Shit, some Japanese guy sniped my Abra
I'll put up another trade with the Japanese Slowpoke
Okay, its a level 5 Japanese Slowpoke for slowpoke with the message "I want to fill my pokedex" again. Sorry about that, I shouldn't have used Abra
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>Stuck with last gen for another month Guess I'll work on a living dex
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
I don't have any scale,I'll give you Mykavolt then try to get one.
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
>>30047480 There's a delay I think, because I've checked the GTS several times.
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
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>>30047601 That's alright, take your time. Many thanks for this by the way.
Haven't picked it up yet, are there any new mons to spice up my trick room teams? Especially hard hitters since megas are apparently out the window for the most part. That bug/water one with the emergency exit ability looks intriguing
>tfw playing through the intro for the 4th time
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
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>>30047817 Practically everything strong is slow in this gen, so pretty much anything will work.
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
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>>30047745 Weird, it should be up, I put him up for trade when I made that last post
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
Great, Dan disappeared,Jim still doesn't show up and there's no slowpoke on the gts.
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
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>>30048010 Bamf, done. Thanks!
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
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>>30048010 I'll try putting up a different pokemon since the slowpoke won't show up for whatever reason
LV 10 Delibird, "I want to fill my pokedex" for slowpoke
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
>>30047865 >tfw Modest Litten Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
Jim I can seeyou, please accept the trade.
Zach !SdigiMOn.U
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>>30048097 Forgot image
If anyone saved my gif of this that'd be neat because that was my face when
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
>>30048120 Wait, if we trade your Slowpoke while holding the Kings Rock he'll use it and evolve.
Is there any chance you can put it on a different pokemon?
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
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>>30048146 Not sure why I didn't realize this sooner, I've already got a slowpoke that I've been training up
Does anyone have a honedge from Island scan that they wish to trade/breed? I can trade any of the starters or Gothita, Marill, Chikaroita or a Beldum
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
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>>30048120 Thanks again for all of your help btw, its been a real pain so I appreciate you sticking it out and giving me a hand
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>>30048174 Sorry, forgot to post my friend code on this one its Aeilana - 0877-5100-2165
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Anybody mind trading me a hatched alolan geodude? ill put up a yungoos.
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
>>30048179 Thanks a tonne man, not sure why they put that thing in the post game
Dan - 0645-5757-7877
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Also, thanks for teaching Vikavolt Thunderbolt as well.
J0k - 3067-9020-7088
Hi guys, I need to register Solgaleo for my dex. Can someone help me ? I can lend some rares pokemon (Weavile, Castform...)
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Are eggs' OT still determined on hatching? So if I traded a friend an egg the OT would be him, right?
What's a good false swiper?
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
>>30048251 Need help to evolve slowpoke ? Now I don't know why you need that rock,you don't have your own now.
GF probably consider it an evolve item.
Lenoor !egTFf5eKeY
>>30048332 Parasect can be obtained early, also learns Spore.
Jim Kuback: 5112-3680-8019
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>>30048347 Its alright, a buddy of mine is going to help me evolve it in a second, I appreciate the offer though, thanks again
Reminder that trades in the GTS may be of malicious intent and to remember to use wonder trade fodder for any necessary trades. Have fun in the /wfg/!
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>>30047817 Looks like drampa is kinda neat, but I think dragalge is still better save that drampa gets fire moves. Golisopod seemed cool but doesn't have good moves. Oranguru might make a decent setter but it doesn't have amazing bulk, inner focus though.Tapa Bulu is promising but I really like to keep the base speed under 70. Damn, a lot of promise combined with "but"s here.
>>30048631 Worst case scenario, what can someone do with my sid?
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You can move around the icons on your bottom screen and I absolutely LOVE that.
Nihil 2037-1449-6847
Anyone in sun/moon have a kings rock they'd be willing to trade me? I can trade a Horsea, Maril, Chinchou, or Mareanie for it.
>>30048783 Absolutely nothing, I'd imagine. Maybe get you blacklisted from snobby elitist places.
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a-anyone still playing gen 6 in here? i'm a europoor doing an x playthrough as a warmup for the sm release and need help evolving my phantump
Travis 1564-3543-0766
Can someone that's unlocked the icy mountain place please take my crabrawler and evolve it for me? I'll give it a rare candy.
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>>30045730 Still here? I'll be on in 15 min and I can get you the abra. any exclusive other than rufflet would be great.
If junior is still around, sorry fell asleep.
>>30048295 if you have lunala just finish the game then get the second cosmog and just get it to level 52 or something, give it rare candy, trade to sunbro, evolve, trade back, have solgaleo with your ot
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>>30048332 The event munchlax being given out right now has hold back, serves the purpose well. Also gets happy hour.
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What's the "screen name" when registering for the PGL, /wfg/?
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CAn anyone trade me a low level geodude?
>>30049291 I'm so stupid, I have already made it evolve in Lunala.
Travis 1564-3543-0766
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>>30049784 3540-1398-8549
Adding you.
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sun 20 Nov 2016 01:42:57 No. 30049794 Report Quoted By:
>Just beat Mother Beast Lusamine. Thank goodness I managed to catch a female Salandit on the first encounter, Salazzle saved my ass on a majority of her Pokemon.
>>30049075 >Maybe get you blacklisted from snobby elitist places. Those places being sanctioned tournaments and online modes, of course.
Can someone please trade me an Alolan vulpix? I just need to breed one and I'm stuck with Moon Want>Alolan Vulpix Have >Popplio (male and female, bold nature) >Happiny (m or f) with Oval stone Will post pics for Vulpix
>>30049784 What's your in game name
Travis 1564-3543-0766
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>>30049878 I don't see you online in the plaza yet. My ign is Mayoi, hit me up if you see me.
>>30049573 not just resetting after you fucked up??
Lumi 4528-1400-5431
Looking to trade jolly Abra for a modest Abra. Is anyone willing? Have various other natures, but would prefer to trade the jolly one as I caught two.
Lumi 4528-1400-5431
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>>30049943 Synchronize obviously.
>>30049878 Going back online
>>30049943 Put something on the GTS for an Abra and tell me what it is. I have a spare modest
>>30050025 then make a gts request or see if theres already a request
why did you save though, were you unaware?
Travis 1564-3543-0766
Lumi 4528-1400-5431
>>30049995 '
Deposited level 10 male wingull
"Please trade Pokemon with me. Thanks in advance" is the quote.
Also, legitimate thanks in advance!
>>30050080 I replaced Work up with Ice Punch since it's a tm. Also leveled him up a level higher than needed because oops.
>>30050094 I think I got you. Please confirm!
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>>30050057 I didn't think it was going to evolve in Lunala, since I was in "the other world"
Lumi 4528-1400-5431
>>30050163 Looks like I didn't get it. :( Sorry about that.
Still looking if anyone has a modest synchronizer for trade!
>>30050328 Lucky you I still had the same abra on the nursery. What's your ign so I don't fuck up this time.
And don't apologize.
>>30049821 post your pic and i'll give you one Lumi 4528-1400-5431
>>30050359 Thanks much!
IGN: Lumi
Have a level 11 male Mudbray up now. With this quote.
"This is a Pokemon with great potential. Please raise it if you'd like."
>>30050411 Gotchu this time~
Lumi 4528-1400-5431
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>>30050446 Got it, thanks so much!
Also, curious if anyone has a Thunder Stone they would be willing to trade or donate.
>>30050393 I posted one yesterday. >>30022228 Anonymous
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Anyone want to trade me an A-Vulpix for something really shitty?
Nihil 2037-1449-6847
>>30048998 I'm also looking for a Sea Incense
I can trade a Horsea, Maril, Chinchou, or Mareanie for it.
so is it confirmed that ally chaining can result in HAs? been at it for pancham for an hour but none with scrappy.
>>30050818 post one today with the message "vulpix"? Anonymous
>>30051153 Show me a female alolan vulpix first
Looking to trade for a Jangmo-o. I have an Alolan Grimer with Shadow Sneak level 1 freshly hatched
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Anyone can spare a 6iv modest ditto? I just reached the nursery and wanting to breed for a modest Popplio. Any help would be appreciated!
i'm mad that i need to go to the move relearner for shadow bone, anyone here able to teach it for me? i can supply the scale, best i can give in return is a feebas though
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>>30051442 and i forgot my friend code like a klutz
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does anyone have a spare dusk stone i can have?
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>>30051261 Go to
>>30042969 , the faggot OP fucked up as usual.
Does anyone have a spare ditto to trade with? I don't care about ivs and evs I just want a ditto
Nihil 2037-1449-6847
>>30050930 If anyone would be willing to run over to Konikoni City and buy a sea incense I'd really appreciate it, I really want a spash azumarill and i don't really want to grind out the two trials before getting one
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Anyone have an Alolan HA Geodude/egg? Really wanted one for my run but I don't have the tools necessary to get one, chaining is miserable for it.
Nihil 2037-1449-6847
>>30051623 I have a ditto i'd trade for a sea incense
Please anyone, I want a stufful with careful nature, please
>>30051674 just bought one now actually, only 2k so it's no issue getting a second
just waiting in the festival now, IGN same as 3ds name
Nihil 2037-1449-6847
>>30051759 what did you want for it? 1719-4198-1213
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>>30051811 just put up whatever, i really don't mind what i get
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can someone put up a female dewpider? I want to start using it tonight but it only spawns in the morning and its night for me now.
>>30051811 >see trade request >the connection has been interrupted everything alright on your end?
Nihil 2037-1449-6847
>>30051866 thanks man i really appreciate it
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>>30051910 np
enjoy dunking on everything
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sun 20 Nov 2016 03:24:44 No. 30052053 Report >Finally encountering Alolan Vulpixes. So what do you guys think I can get for 'em?
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Does anyone have a King's Rock to spare so I can evolve my Slowpoke in Moon? I'd like to use a Slowking in my run.
Just got my copy of Moon. I'll reset for starters of certain genders or natures and trade them away. In exchange, you hang onto some extras and trade them back to me when I start my real file. Another method is fine too as long as I get to nickname them. Currently sitting on the nickname screen for a female Popplio. Any takers?
>>30052053 You can make my day for a female one :3
>>30052182 Griselda
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>>30051261 Still looking, if anyone wants to bless me
>>30052225 Got it. Brave nature and likes to thrash about. Still good?
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>>30052053 I'll give you a Genesect code for one. Or any route one shitmon you'd like. All I got.
>>30052323 Are you the person with the Popplio?
>>30052323 Ouch bro
I got a female Modest.
It's on you.
looking for an adamant oblivious bounsweet preferably not the one that was from the trade on akala island and if possible nicknamed as Regina
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>>30051755 bumping. I dont have much to trade, but i really want one for my team please
Anyone have a female Salandit? I've been searching for hours with no luck.
>>30052481 You the taker? I can do more resets for something more specific. Not gonna promise I won't go to somebody else if they're less picky though.
>>30052609 I can trade one...
She is
Naughty :/
>>30052053 >>30052666 What do you guys want?
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>>30052609 I have a rash, serious, and impish you have a careful stufful?
>>30052666 >666 >naughty I'm getting spooked.
I don't have anything very good, though.
If you have Sun I can give you an Oranguru
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Anybody got a Wimpod they're willing to trade? Fucked up the first and only encounter I could get early. I got Sun so if you want an Exclusives just tell me.
>>30052684 That ghost balloon (I'm the Salandit one)
>>30052722 Gureito, put that shit on the GTS, /vp/ as message
Dan 3540-0341-8385
Do any of you sun players wanna trade sandshrew for vulpix?People on GTS are fucking autistic with their trade requests
>>30052801 i dont think you know what autistic means
>>30052820 >People on GTS offering Vulpix want legendaries for it >People on GTS offering Sandshrew want Vulpix Tell me again how they don't have some degree of retardation
>>30052788 I don't think you can edit messages to make them custom any more. So mine is a level 21 Oranguru, female, Lonely with the OT Hiro
The message is "this is a pokemon I raised very carefully. Please trade with me if you'd like."
>>30052915 autism =/= retardation
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>>30052820 >>30052935 >Defending autism on 4chan Wew lad
>>30052610 Kinda leaving me hangin' here.
The offer is still good for anybody else who's interested. Will have to reset if you want another nickname though.
>>30052801 id give you something crappy for one. dont have anything good
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Does anyone have a Rain Dish More lull they could trade me? I've already spent over 3 hours chaining them today and I still don't have one. My current chains been going for forty minutes. Is your chain broken if the enemy kills themselves with struggle, but the battle continues because their ally who is of the same species as they are is still there?
Dan 3540-0341-8385
>>30053000 As long as it's Vulpix.
I don't care for stats I just want one for my play through.
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Willing to trade Rowlett for Wimpod. Nothing above level 25. Hit me up.
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>>30053042 >re for stats I just want one for my play through. nigga im on route 2, ill come back in a week
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>>30051755 bumpin once more
Does anybody have a rowlet they can trade me?
Tino 5000 6388 7226
Anyone whose Pokémon's levels are around 20 wanna battle?
Anyone have a jolly nature Kartana they can trade? I can trade pheromosa in return.
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>>30051738 >1 hour ago What the fuck I could've sworn I posted this 20 minutes ago. Anyway sorry I don't have any sea incense
Tino 5000 6388 7226
>>30053233 What's your FC?
Also, does someone have a Drampa for trade? Any Drampa will do.
I bet anyone I can beat them in Smash 3ds with Jigglypuff in exchange for A-vulpix
>>30053335 so if i beat you you'll give me a-vulpix?
jiggly is actually my best guy Anonymous
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>>30053335 >Smash 3ds You already lose
Tino 5000 6388 7226
>>30053302 Thanks. I'm still not used to Festival Plaza, though. You're supposed to go there if you want to battle or trade, right? How do 3DS friends work?
>>30052981 i'll take one if nobody else will, id hate to ask you for a different female poplio since i really dont like that nickname though :(
>>30053487 yeah you go there to battle or trade
>>30053488 >>30052981 actually if youre willing to trade me two ill take both, might be asking too much, though.
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>>30053488 >>30053585 Sorry dudes. Got impatient and reset already. Already in talk with somebody elsewhere too. Maybe I'll help out of the kindness of my heart though. You got anything to offer?
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>>30053450 Yes. No dittos. Otherwise I switch to Lucas
Someone please help me with rain dish Morelull. I've spent over four hours chaining it and I don't have one. I know you guys know how to do this stuff.
>>30052182 hey anon, if you'll pass me one of each starter, I'll happily help you hold onto the extras and trade them back. did you get someone to help already?
>>30053631 how are you checking abilities?
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I need a careful nature Stufful please. I have female Sandalits to trade
>>30053098 Anyone? I'll take any kind, nature and such doesn't matter
No nickname pls
Don't have much to offer
Could send a kadabra so you can have an alakazam? I just want a rowlet ;_;
Tino 5000 6388 7226
>>30053567 Welp.
Thanks for the battle, sorry if it was underwhelming. Maybe we can battle again later once I have a more complete team.
Dan 3540-0341-8385
>>30052801 Bumping this again pls respond.
I don't even want good stats, just for playthrough
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>>30053831 Once I catch one I'll be down for that
Idk how long that'll be though, just got to the second island
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Seeking female Drampa in regular Pokeball Have Kangaskhan. In premier balls. Put the Drampa on GTS and post here.
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>>30053688 I hurt them while it's raining and see whether or not they heal.
>>30053660 Already in talk with somebody. Might give more anyway just cause I can, but I'd like an incentive.
>>30053731 I'll consider it.
>>30054011 I have kadabra ready now, just evolved it
Just let me know
>>30054032 Eh, I think I'll do without the Kadabra. You got Sun? I might do it for an exclusive.
>>30054053 I do have sun but I'm only at the 2nd island right now so I don't have much or access to much
>>30054074 >>30054053 Cottonee is sun exclusive and I can get that if you want that
>>30054011 no problem, i have both games but not very far in either. if you have something specific in mind i can catch one now or when i get to that part of the game.
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>>30053251 Does anyone have Jolly Kartana? It's the only 'mon I'm looking for right now.
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Is Festival Plaza's VIP not working for anybody else? I tried adding somebody I did a Link Trade with and it said "registration failed."
>>30054123 That'll do.
>>30054178 Nothing particular in mind. I'll take exclusives or anything it would otherwise be difficult for me to get my hands on, like a late game mon. I'd most prefer a first stage mon with a good nickname.
Sunfag 0130 - 1885 - 9405
Sun owner here, I need help evolving my Rockruff to midnight form.
>>30054245 Do you want a nickname on cottonee or no? Just captured one now
>>30054291 Yeah, I'm a weirdo who feels compelled to name even the mons I don't really use.
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Does anyone have an extra Type: Null that I can have?
>>30054341 What do you want the name to be? I'll name it and then I have to set up the WiFi on my 3ds but then I'll be ready to trade it for rowlet whenever
>>30054363 Kinda busy doing resets at the moment. Was hoping you could come up with something.
Also, you do realize that it'll be a good while before you get that Rowlet don't you? I've gotta trade with the other guy, restart the whole game to give him copies, start a real file and so on.
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>>30054428 Oh that's fine too
I'll think of a name in the meanwhile
Will probably go to bed soon though so I'll just post ITT or the next one if this dies tomorrow
Sunfag 0130 - 1885 - 9405
>>30054285 Nobody with Moon available?
I just need it traded then evolved in Moon with the rare candy it's holding.
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>>30054515 Its daytime in Moon right now for me
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>>30054515 you can catch moon doggos man
>>30045469 tfw no dive ball slush rush Sandshrew
Wolfgang - 2938 / 6247 / 6478
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I want to use Vanilluxe early. Would any of you be willing to breed a Vanillite for me? I can hatch the egg myself if it's too much trouble.
>>30054846 >tfw no sandshrew at all Anonymous
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This is a post about begging. Kind breeders wanted. GTS offer: Petilil Seeking: Popplio IGN: Decoy
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What's a good nature for an Arcanine using Burn Up?
any chance of begging for a 6iv ditto around here
>>30054906 catch a vulpix
youll get one easily
>>30055160 >>30055182 those are just myths unless you cheat
>>30055195 Just breed one idiot
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>>30055195 i would be ok with a cheat ditto
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>>30055185 just started the game, gonna be a while
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Does anyone here have a spare Alolan Sandshrew? I got Sun and can't get my popsicle boy without trading. I'm not picky on nature or whatever, and also don't have much to offer since I got the game earlier today.
Dean 3969-6178-5669
Need someone to help me evolve my Graveler
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>>30055220 oh how foolish of me
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So many people in need of free shit, haha
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>>30053251 please?
I'll take any nature for the kartana
Can anyone in sun/moon help a bro out? I wanna hatch a team to complete the game, just need a ditto and jangmo-o I hate getting my pokes at higher levels and missing out on a grand adventure with them.
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>>30055541 I'll gladly give my brionne, cubone, or marill in exchange.
>>30055541 put something on GTS for a level 100 ditto
Wesley 2680-9708-0269
>>30055253 Still need help? Need to evolve mine as well. If not, anyone else up to help me out?
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>>30055620 done, its a marill. Trainer name Todd.
Dean 3969-6178-5669
>>30055634 Yeah I still need help
Wesley 2680-9708-0269
>>30055706 How exactly do we go about this? I added you on my 3DS
Dean 3969-6178-5669
>>30055735 Go into the festival plaza and i'll send the trade invite
Wesley 2680-9708-0269
>>30055753 I'm there, in game name is Roady
Dean 3969-6178-5669
>>30055772 Do you want to replace something with Stealth Rocks?
Wesley 2680-9708-0269
Anyone able to trade a Jolly Kartana?
Dean 3969-6178-5669
>>30055851 Thank you too, have a good night...or morning?
Wesley 2680-9708-0269
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>>30055872 Enjoy your Russian rock
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Does anyone have spare stuffuls with a decent nature and Fluffy?
Tall order, anyone have an eevee, with timid nature? or even any nature that isn't negative speed, will trade my eevee which is quiet unfortunately. or water starter fully evolved.
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>>30055860 Hasty or Naive works as well.
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>>30055961 I have a quirky eevee (no negs) level 1 that hatched from my day care egg (didnt know it was an eevee)
Im looking for a jangmo-o if you're far enough to catch one.
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Looking for honedge will trade level 1 popplio depending on which you want. ID is Angelica
Wolfgang - 2938 / 6247 / 6478
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Does anyone have a Dhelmise? I have a Calm Eevee and a Naive female Salandit I'm willing to part with.
2938-7118-7122 !ELLIoT//Ys
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Have: HA Vulpix - Timid 20/31/x/31/x/31 Want: Good IV, Modest Drampa Giveaway: Reply with your FC and a timestamped picture of you outside the daycare and I will trade you a random Vulpix. Have about 4 spares
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sun 20 Nov 2016 06:56:16 No. 30056473 Report Quoted By:
>Meowth-A Pikipek >Spearow for Magmar w/ Magmarizer >Yungoos for Haunter >Wingull for Gumshoos twice >Tauros for Gastly >Pikipek for Magikarp >Yungoos for Boldore w/ Everstone >Yungoos for Machoke Wonder Trade was a mistake. But to be fair, that Spearow and Tauros helped me out a bit.
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I need a Ditto, any 'old shitty Ditto. I'm at the second Island playing on moon if you want some early exclusives.
>>30045469 where do you guys hatch eggs in alola?
>>30045469 Could somebody trade me a Lycanrock-S With a decent/neutral nature? i have a shitty lv 27 rockruff i thought i could evolve into a lycanrock-S on moon during the day from the way they described it. No clue it was version exc.
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sun 20 Nov 2016 07:08:55 No. 30056661 Report Quoted By:
>>30056553 It isn't technically isn't, you can catch Midday Lycanroc in Poni Canyon during the day and Midnight Lycanroc during the night.
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>>30056507 i grab 10, then go back to were the boat dropped me off
there's probably a better place further into the game but this works fine for now
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Sun 20 Nov 2016 07:12:54 No. 30056727 Report >Got a female Rowlet for one of my Vulpixes. I have a gold mine right now...
>>30056553 It technically isn't, you can catch Midday Lycanroc in Poni Canyon during the day and Midnight Lycanroc during the night.
Sorry to ask but mimikyu and dhelmise are my favorite pokemon this gen and they're both late game, can anyone who has a spare of either trade me one if possible. level 1-20 is that's possible.
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Can anyone get me a Ice Stone?
So I just caught a shiny careful stufful but with the wrong ability. I don't know what to feel. Can someone inject me a ability capsule? No injector thread up right now.
>>30056760 do you have a preferred nature? and lowest level you can catch them is around 29 I believe
>>30056896 Check the catalog dummy, go to the homebrew general.
>>30056918 homebrew general is not injection general
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>>30056913 29 is cool, if possible could you do a jolly one? Nature isn't huge though, I just want one for my main team, can make a competetive one later.
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>>30056727 i havent made it there yet. would you be willing to trade me a low level Lycanrock-D?
>>30056951 People are making injection requests there though.
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>>30056989 They need to FUCK OFF