Trade - Battle - Breed - Shitpost - Circlejerk - Autism - Literally Anything
This thread is the general purpose thread on /vp/ for users wanting to interact using their 3DS and the Wi-Fi. Everyone and all discussion is welcome in this general. If you want a more restrictive general, please make your own and promote it.
Try not to flood the thread with useless shit. Try to keep your text lists reasonable and manageable. Use Pastebin if you've got a long list to share. Be sure to use your own leftovers in all trades!
Previous thread:
Daily reminder to play the way we want you to or else you're a piece of shit. You have to be just as miserable as the rest of us.
Might as well repost. So how has /wfg/ been faring for the past few days? Taking time to actually play the game has kept me away and I want to know if more retarded newfags are shitting up the threads with their ignorance of general guidelines and if I should even bother trying to trade with anyone but the regulars.
Reminder, you know the rest.
>>30113898 Hey look!
>>30113895 We have a case and point retard already who can't fuck off to the injection general, praise be to /wfg/!
>>30113962 does this shitty meme show up every thread or something? It's always the same asshole spamming it while declaring random shitposts to be hackers
>>30113898 I'm doing pretty well. Taking it slowly and casually for now. My sister just caught a shiny drowzee as soon as she got started, so she's pretty hyped and the happiness is rubbing off on me.
Trying to decide what my first breeding / chaining goal is going to be, because I don't have anything good to trade at the moment.
>>30113989 Fuck off, Sarah. I already know you live somewhere in SoCal, all I have to do is monitor more hotspots.
And when that happens, you won't like it at all...
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>>30113998 Wow, sounds great! Visiting home for the holidays and about to finish up my semester, so I finally get a bit of time to play.
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
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>>30113608 I can connect. I will add you now, let me check my smergle
Is my Mudsdale better as Adamant, Impish, or Careful?
>>30114119 Fuck off, furfag.
Anyone know where to get the Waterfall TM? I'm looking it up and sites are saying it's from one of two girls in Poni Breaker Coast, but it's a very small area and I only see a single tourist trainer that I already beat.
jesus christ this is autistic someone actually had a fucking meltdown because they can't control who posts in a fucking general...
>>30114213 FUCK off, pansy.
>>30114213 I'm pretty sure I got it from one of the swimsuit girls after beating them, near the shore.
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>>30114232 Just hide the posts and call it good. It's best if you pay them no attention at all.
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>>30114235 I stopped doing my essay to see the rest of this shit from the front page. Fuck you
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Tue 22 Nov 2016 08:19:20 No. 30114290 Report >>30114232 And you can't accept the idea that people have the right to form communities and to protect those communities from idiots who don't share the same ideology.
You're just as bad as the Tailsposter and you know it.
>>30114213 Just got surf and waterfall. Go to poni breaker coast and do the multi battle with the 2 maidens to the east. They give you surf and waterfall tms after mentioning kalos.
4382-2190-7197 !!z+Vcn/0lTou
>>30114290 nah, I try to help people, haha.
I don't save fur scat porn to spam on a children's video game thread when I can't find my inhaler.
>>30114290 Shitting up our thread is 'protecting' it? Are you for real?
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
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Thanks for Pokerus
>>30114243 >>30114294 That's the thing, I don't see these two swimmer girls. Is there a trigger for them to show up? If there is, none of the places I've looked knows what it is.
Davis 1805-3112-9516
Would anyone mind helping me evolve my Graveler?
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Tue 22 Nov 2016 08:25:36 No. 30114382 Report >>30114320 And none of them post pics of the 'mons you give 'em, that's already suspicious and raises a few flags.
>>30114326 >He actually thinks the Tailsposter is doing anything. He only targets these threads if Sarah makes them or if folks respond to him, he usually goes after furry threads.
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>>30114356 I've already beat the league and finished the looker quest, so there's that.
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>>30114382 I don't care what his rationale is. He's screaming obscenities and posting furry scat porn.
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Does anyone have any litwick eggs kicking around? I don't have much, but that does include:>Japanese beldum with the ultra beast ball for your balltist needsf >vulpix eggs >female salandit
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>>30114382 >He only targets these threads if Sarah makes them or if folks respond to him, he usually goes after furry threads. oh well, in that case, sure I guess it's all justified. As long as we know the triggers of /wfg/ getting nuked with furry scat porn. Those parameters being "whatever the fuck he is ranting about currently". Seriously, I've been here since the launch and no one has traded here named Sara. This is just some INCREDIBLY sheltered OCD script kiddie.
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Tue 22 Nov 2016 08:41:37 No. 30114617 Report Quoted By:
>>30114463 >Seriously, I've been here since the launch and no one has traded here named Sara. That's largely due to him/her (we only know that his/her in-game name in Gen VI was Sarah) using GTS trades to give people blatantly injected 'mons, one of her tactics is that she NEVER trades via FC.
2938-7118-7122 !ELLIoT//Ys
Anyone got HA Dratini with good IVs?
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Tue 22 Nov 2016 08:49:35 No. 30114710 Report Quoted By:
>>30114691 Go over to the other one, hoss. This one will probably get deleted due to the Tailsposter.
This thread was also made by a known shitposter, don't give him any attention. Davis 1805-3112-9516
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>>30114361 Still looking for some help.
wait which thread do we use? fucking splitters
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Tue 22 Nov 2016 09:38:35 No. 30115223 Report Quoted By:
>>30115216 The other one, don't support the shitposter.
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Have: Moon LF: Sun Exclusive Alola mons.( Turtonator, Buzzwole, Kartana, Solgaleo) Litten, Rowlett It's a damn shame I won't have my Living Dex until January.
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Any Meowth breeders here?
Astraeus 1993-9172-5385
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Any Mooonfriends catch both of the two Pheromosas and Celesteels here? I'll trade you my spare Buzzwole and the best of my three other Kartanas for one of each.
Cleru:1676-4525-3590 !PqK3XJWyYA
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updated with Pokerus.
5429-9474-2750 ig: Zayi
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>>30107762 Went to sleep, but I'm back lurking now. If you're still there and still need the monkey, just drop a line and I'll breed one for you.